1. Set the amount of educational funds and when it will be necessary. This will determine the amount of benefits needs maturity / death benefit and long-time policyholders.
2. Consider how much money can you set aside for your child's education. Make sure that your ability premiums affordable. The insurance premium is the money you set aside a regular basis from year to year. This is a long-term process. Therefore, you must be realistic in assessing your ability based on your income and current expenditures. If you start with the premium exceeds your ability, you may eventually have to discontinue the policy in the middle of the road and will suffer financial losses. So, should start with a small amount. You can increase the sum insured and premiums you later when your skills have increased. As a simple rule, your premiums should not exceed 10% of your income.
3. Choose a policy that gives you flexibility so you can gradually increase the savings in the future. When you plan your child's education abroad, should you choose a policy in nominal dollars or euro, or at least a policy that can change the currency. So even if you start with the rupiah currency, you can change it into dollars or euro if you change your child's orientation to study abroad.
4. Do not add unnecessary coverage. Many insurance policies also offer educational supplemental insurance such as hospitalization and surgery, or critical illness. However, be wary of adding another insurance coverage because it can affect the amount of your savings.
sumber: http://www.asuransipendidikanterbaik.com/4-tips-memilih-asuransi-pendidikan/